Putting One Foot In Front Of The Other...


It's been an amazing week. I have laughed, I have cried purely from exhaustion, and I have lived. I mean I have really lived. I have seen 5 years of work come full circle. There is a quote at the bottom of my blog that says, "Life is too short to accept your limitations.You are the only person who can give yourself permission to be great." I don't know who the author is, but I read it daily. Most of the time, we are our own worst enemies. But this week, it's been a good one. It's been an incredibly humbling and gratifying at the same time. I pray alot about my photography business. I pray that I schedule properly so that it adds to my family and doesn't take away. I pray that I shine for the Lord while photographing others. I pray that even when I just want to say "no" because something seems too hard, that I say "yes" and take a challenge head on. This week I faced some challenges head on and "by the horns" as my grandfather would say. For those of you that don't know, I am an avid horseback rider. I've been riding since I could walk. My mom, she is just about Miss Rodeo of every surrounding state. So, "by the horns" means when your brother who is 5 years older than you dares you to wrestle a steer, you grit your teeth and dig your heels in, even if you were a girl and only 4. So, I am challenging all of you this week, just like my week challenged me. Dig your heels in to life, pray continually, be scared...but try, if you don't try...you won't fail. If you don't fail...you'll never get the grit you need to succeed.  I also challenge you to read my friend Natalie's post.  It's a great post to start the first of December with! So jump into tomorrow with prayer and anticipation of success and failure, but get some grit and try and eventually you will succeed.