I truly enjoyed shooting these two little sweeties. Firecracker A and baby C stole my heart. Firecracker A and my little man would be 2 peas in a pod. Never a dull moment with those two. A 2yr old with a personality is my most favorite thing to see through my lense! Isn't the joy of children something you wish you could bottle up!
Well, I will finish posting some adorable pics of the Thompson girls as soon as my computer is back up and going. Wouldn't you know the week I decide to launch my new blog, computer malfunctions! Thanks to all of you who have visited!
Kara and I share the same passion for photography. We love capturing the joy of our little boys. Kara was visiting her grandparents last week and I got the honor of putting her on the other side of the camera. This project was a co-collaberation. I photographed and she edited. I think we make a fine team if I do say so myself. But look at my subjects, I had it easy! If you are in the Tampa area and need a fabulous photographer, look her up! Kara Cain Photography